Sunday, July 28, 2013

Balcony is a tiny garden/ Балкон- это маленькая дача.

In previous post I already mentioned that our balcony turned into a small garden. All looks so cosy, with it being nice to just sit or read something.
On the balcony grew all those things that are in gardens: herbs, flowers, even cucumbers and tomatoes. I started with peas, wild strawberries, flowers and herbs.
My boys help me with watering. It's their favorite task, just important to stop them on time :D
 In the aluminium bucket I planted the Boston ivy. It's interesting to observe how this plant scrambles on the surface and takes over open areas of  walls. When all walls and ceiling will be covered by them I will be extremely happy :D In autumn leaves turn red.and this is one more reason to love this ivy.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Art collage DIY/ Коллаж

 old magazines, glue, scissors plus a little bit fantasy and you have a base which can be a post card for a friend's birthday or just a poster for a kid's room, or even to decorate old furniture.


Старые журналы, клей, ножницы, плюс немного фантазии, и у вас получается отличная основа, из которой можно сделать открытку на день рождения друга, просто повесить на стену, или даже оформить старую мебель.

Sunday, July 21, 2013