Sunday, April 28, 2013

Egg lamp DIY

eggs.1. wash every egg. 2. make a small hole beneath the egg and blow the contents out using a straw. 3. dry the empty eggs.

lamp's base. 1. cut down a lid, leave only base of the box. 2. Make cuts in the small circles below in the form of the four "X"s shown below.  Make the cuts in all the circles.

 glue eggs with base and input lamps in the holes. hide cables in the holes between eggs. others- glue or fasten using tape. turn on the light!


Labels for flower pots *spring project*

All  April I have been growing seeds of different plants for our tiny garden on the balcony. I really want to grow something by myself!:) Summer in Saint Petersburg is so short and cold, so hopefully we will have time to taste the strawberries and peas which I have grown and our flowers will have time for blossoming.
So as to not forget what you are growing and also to decorate your garden, one can make simple pot

all we need:
thin wooden sticks
plastic cards
black acryl paint

1. saw sticks of the correct height 2.Using sandpaper, sand the plastic cards, taking care not to forget the corners. 3. paint the card 4. glue the stick to the card. 5. draw, using chalk (be careful because the paint can peel off)


Friday, April 19, 2013

Velcro Pouch DIY

  • 2 pieces of fabric 16x33 cm
  • 1 piece of interfacing 14x30 cm
  • velcro  9cm

make bigger ones for pocket books, ipad etc./

* fabrics: night owl by leanne *spoonflower*// nuns on grey by heidikenney *spoonflower*//